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Nikki R. Marcotte

Berger and Marcotte Author Articles in CBA Record

Tabet DiVito & Rothstein partner Jake Berger and associate Nikki Marcotte authored articles featured in the recent publication of the CBA Record. Jake’s article, entitled “Student Loan Forgiveness: Will it Be Taxable in Illinois?”, discusses the current state of litigation relating to President Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan and potential Illinois tax implications of student loan forgiveness. Nikki’s […]

TDR Files Amicus Brief on Behalf of March For Our Lives in Highland Park Gun Case

Tabet DiVito & Rothstein client March For Our Lives Foundation (MFOL), a youth-led nonprofit organization dedicated to addressing the nation’s gun violence epidemic, recently sought leave to appear as amicus curiae in support of the City of Highland Park’s effort to defend the constitutionality of its assault weapon and high-capacity magazine ban in federal court. […]