On December 10, 2024, the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama granted our client’s motion for summary judgment in a lawsuit in which our client was accused of misappropriating trade secrets in the field of financial technology, or “fintech.” The Court’s ruling ended the lawsuit and exonerated our client as to all claims filed against it.
The lawsuit originated from consulting work performed by our client under an agreement with the plaintiff and a webinar presented by our client that the plaintiff contended disclosed alleged trade secrets related to the consulting work. The Court’s ruling confirmed that our client did not disclose any trade secret during the webinar but rather referenced only information that was already in the public domain. In a 39-page opinion, the Court held that the plaintiff did not identify any alleged trade secret disclosed during the webinar with the particularity required by the Alabama Trade Secrets Act (“ATSA”) and the Federal Defend Trade Secrets Act (“DTSA”). In particular, the Court rejected plaintiff’s argument that the alleged trade secret could have been a combination of public domain ideas discussed during the webinar.
TDR attorneys Brad Lyerla, Daniel Konieczny, Katherine O’Brien, and Ryan Muhlstock obtained this result on behalf of our client.